It's the End of the World as we know it...
When did you think the world population would annihilate itself... i.e. bring about the End of the World... 2012! Yes... 2012 would announce the End of the World as it is today.
Imagine as of now... a world without computers and mobiles... what shall be the shape of the world to come... would it not mean the end of the world!
End of the world is not merely a saying; its implications would vary from place to place and country to country. Nostradamus predicted the End of the World in 1994, 1998 and also 2012. Why?
If the End of the World did not occur in 1998, it was merely because the entire population of the world sensing the impending danger of the world war engrossed itself in massive prayers... this led to the delaying of the End of the World as it is today!
Every passing day brings us nearer to End of the World. Why?
Even a layman can understand the catastrophe human beings are landing themselves in because of the breaking down of the family and the moral values in daily life. Literally the human beings as of today find indulgence in materialistic tendencies as humorous and entertaining.
The happenings in Iraq and Afghanistan are a testimony to this absolute truth. The end of the world shall accompany with itself a fight to the finish between Christianity and Islam.
End of the World is imminent for the trust between various countries, religions and castes is coming to an end. The faith lost shall only lead us towards the End of the World. There is no escape for the upheaval of the society is not possible without a looming World War Three.
Every revolution... every sacrifice carries with it the seed of the oncoming golden era. As of today when the manifest science is at its peak... in a short while from now and around 2012 we shall witness the End of the World... the most ghastly event that the humanity as of today shall face.
Who shall survive this End of the World phenomenon? Everyone... nay every human being for that matter who has a positive balance of Karma shall survive. One may witness a missile exploding at a short distance... the gods will shall save us from experiencing the rigors of the holocaust. Everyone with Punya Karma (positive balance of Karma) in balance shall experience a win-win situation.
End of the World Prediction by Nostradamus and others astrologers is purely based upon the balance of Karma of the total mankind at any given point of time. When the End of the World shall be can be assessed with fair accuracy as of now.
The End of the World does not mean a doom for the mankind... it shall only be a revival of the cherished golden values in the society. After the End of the World occurrence... the society shall again start from the basics... with no science to support initially... the mankind shall as stated by Einstein begin life as man had experienced it during the Stone Age.
The balance of Karma of the total humanity as of today indicates the looming danger around 2012. Every Era (Yuga) indicates the arrival of a Sanatana Purusha (manifest god himself)... one who is much above the level of man gods like Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed.
This true son of god... imbibed with godly powers shall be able to scale the barriers that separates the societies and the countries all over the globe. He shall completely overall the existing social and moral values of the society which result in the End of the World predictions.
One who carries with him the conviction of Napoleon Bonaparte, the bulldog determination of the Winston Churchill, the humility which formed part of Mahatma Gandhi, the compassion of Buddha, the persistence which forms part of every Indian, and the flawless dedication for mankind as experienced in Madame Curie... all the powers combined shall be the forte of the representative of God the Almighty on mother earth.
One who shall uplift the values of the society back to their pedestal and bring back the society from the rigors of End of the World and usher it into a new era... One who delivers the mankind from the presently existing ills...? Sri Kalki Bhagavan... who shall he be?
Nostradamus has predicted one with a blue turban shall rule the world after the End of the World. Many all over the world who try to interpret this particular quatrain of Nostradamus do it wrongly. Quatrains by Nostradamus are not to be literally interpreted. One has to search for the hidden inner values in each and every quatrain.
Nostradamus in his quatrain by the blue turbaned one... simply meant that the advent of the true son of God shall be from a land which is of the shape of a blue turban... a piece of land surrounded by water on two sides... like in a turban. The peninsular shape of India which is surrounded by seas and oceans on two sides confirms this.
The blue turbaned one shall be from India... the country which produced Sri Krishna, Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus Christ and also Prophet Mohammed. India has since times immemorial been considered the place of worship and wisdom. And India shall pay a significant role in the End of the World saga.
Those who practice compassion and forgiveness in the face of the most extreme adversities are the true spiritual torch bearers of the society. The values practiced in India have no parallel in mankind. You hit on the one face and the other turns over... such was the compassion and forgiveness practiced by Mahatma Gandhi!
End of the World flash, End of the World cartoon, End of the World video and end of the world lyrics confirm that the End of the World is very near. As of today none wants to face the disastrous End of the World! Yet, we do not have a remedy! Why not all of us brace ourselves for the most tragic happening of the era... the End of the World!
by: Vijay Kumar
Since the beginning of human history, speculation about the end of the world has fascinated mankind. Myths and stories about the end of the earth exist in almost every religion and culture ever known. And yet, somehow, men seem unsatisfied with the answers they receive. They turn to Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or ancient Hindu writings hoping to uncover some modicum of truth that will satisfy their innate desire to know something about the future and the ultimate fate of the world.
Never has mankind’s fascination with the end been more prevalent than it is today. Fears of global warming saturate the news media. Worry over a nuclear holocaust persists into its sixth decade. And storylines of asteroids, comets, aliens, or bio-engineered super-diseases wiping out all planetary life continue to dominate the themes of many Hollywood blockbusters. Throughout the world, people are plagued with the same recurring questions. Will the human race become extinct? Will nuclear war or global warming destroy the biosphere? Will the world as we know it continue to exist?
The answer to these questions and many others concerning the end of the world are not found in the writings of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or any other self-professed psychic. They can’t be found in Islamic, Hindu, or Buddhist writings. However, they can be found in the Bible. The bible, which has a track record of 100% accuracy when it comes to future events, has much to say about the ultimate fate of the earth, the people who live here, and creation itself. For those who wish to know the answers to these age old questions, the bible is your definitive source.
What the Bible Says
According to the bible, the earth is eternal. So despite what some people say, we shouldn’t worry about the earth itself being destroyed. However, throughout the ages, the nature of the earth has changed, and it will change again in the near future.
The Book of Genesis teaches that God created the earth and everything in it to be perfect. However, the nature of the earth changed when Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. This act prompted God to place a curse on the earth, and it radically transformed the nature of the earth itself. Several centuries later, the human race had become so corrupt that God decided to destroy it with a flood. However, God spared Noah and his family, allowing them to repopulate the earth of the present day.
Throughout these changes, the earth as a creation has remained intact. But its nature has been radically altered twice. The bible teaches that it will soon be altered third time, and this time, the result will be far different from the previous ages.
The New World
Verses throughout the bible point to the creation of a new earth. This shouldn’t be viewed as an entirely new physical creation by God. Rather it should be viewed as a highly transformative process whereby the current earth is reshaped by the hand of God to create a different world. The prophet Isaiah described this process over two thousand years ago:
“Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth – so wonderful that no one will even think about the old ones anymore. Be glad; rejoice forever in my creation! And look! I will create Jerusalem as a place of happiness. Her people will be a source of joy. I will rejoice in Jerusalem and delight in my people. And the sound of weeping and crying will be heard no more.” Isaiah 65:17-19 (NLT)
The nature of the present earth will change dramatically. It will be transformed from a place of sadness and weeping to a place of intense happiness, where “the sound of weeping and crying will be heard no more.” The creation of this new earth is also mentioned by Peter who encourages us to live our lives in accordance with God’s will. He encourages us to do so, because he knows this present age will soon pass:
“And God has also commanded that the heavens and the earth will be consumed by fire on the day of judgment, when ungodly people will perish.” 2 Peter 3:7 (NLT)
“But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and everything in them will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be exposed to judgment.” 2 Peter 3:10 (NLT)
“Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living! You should look forward to that day and hurry it along – the day when God will set the heavens on fire and the elements will melt away in the flames. But we are looking forward to the new heavens and the new earth he has promised, a world where everyone is right with God.” 2 Peter 3:11-13 (NLT)
>From these passages, it is clear that God will one day use fire to create a new earth from the present world. It will be dramatically different from the one in which we live. But how different? What will the new earth look like? The bible provides us with a vivid illustration.
What Will the Future Earth Look Like?
The Book of Isaiah contains a wealth of information on the nature, quality, and characteristics of the new earth. One of the first references is found in Chapter 11:
“In that day, the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard and the goat will be at peace. Calves and yearlings will be safe among lions, and a little child will lead them all. The cattle will graze among bears. Cubs and calves will lie down together. And lions will eat grass as the livestock do. Babies will crawl safely among poisonous snakes. Yes, a little child will put its hand in a nest of deadly snakes and pull it out unharmed. Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain. And as the waters fill the sea, so the earth will be filled with people who know the Lord.” Isaiah 11:6-9 (NLT)
God will finally lift the curse He placed on the earth following the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. This curse created a conflict between the animal kingdom and mankind with many humans killing animals and many animals killing humans. But on the new earth, “nothing will hurt or destroy.” And the number of people who know the Lord will be as endless as the waters in the sea.
Isaiah continues his description in Chapter 65:
“No longer will babies die when only a few days old. No longer will adults die before they have lived a full life. No longer will people be considered old at one hundred! Only sinners will die that young! In those days, people will live in the houses they build and eat the fruit of their own vineyards. It will not be like the past, when invaders took the houses and confiscated the vineyards. For my people will live as long as trees and will have time to enjoy their hard-won gains. They will not work in vain, and their children will not be doomed to misfortune. For they are people blessed by the Lord, and their children, too, will be blessed. I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! The wolf and lamb will feed together. The lion will eat straw like the ox. Poisonous snakes will strike no more. In those days, no one will be hurt or destroyed on my holy mountain. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Isaiah 65:20-25 (NLT)
Babies will not die, and the lifespan of the human race will be extended well beyond current expectations. Life expectancy will be so great that the death of a one hundred year old person will be a notable tragedy. People will enjoy the fruits of their labor without fear that someone will come and steal what they have. The people of the new earth will be so close to God that He will answer their prayers before they have even prayed them! Animals who are natural enemies in our age will become friends on the new earth, and all the animals of the earth will be herbivores.
In addition, waters will burst forth and give life to that which was previously uninhabitable:
“And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind and unstop the ears of the deaf. The lame will leap like a deer, and those who cannot speak will shout and sing! Springs will gush forth in the wilderness, and streams will water the desert. The parched ground will become a pool, and springs of water will satisfy the thirsty land. Marsh grass and reeds and rushes will flourish where desert jackals once lived.” Isaiah 35:5-7 (NLT)
The first part of this passage was partially fulfilled in the miracles of Jesus Christ. Through the life of Christ, the human race received a glimpse of the new earth that is to come. It will be a place where the miracles performed by Christ two thousand years ago will be in perpetual abundance. The blind will see. The deaf will hear. The lame will leap like deer, and the mute will shout and sing.
Meanwhile, the land will be blessed with life-giving water:
“On that day life-giving waters will flow out from Jerusalem, half toward the Dead Sea and half toward the Mediterranean, flowing continuously both in summer and winter. And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one Lord – his name alone will be worshiped.” Zechariah 14:8-9 (NLT)
The Dead Sea will spring to life, and the name of the Lord alone will be worshiped throughout the world. All idols, false religions, and false prophets will disappear. The new earth will be filled with people who know the Lord and are devoted to Him only.
More importantly, the Lord Himself will be king over all of the earth. He will dwell among His people, providing them with everything they need:
“In the last days, the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem will become the most important place on earth. People from all over the world will go there to worship. Many nations will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the Temple of the God of Israel. There he will teach us his ways, so that we may obey him.’ For in those days the Lord’s teaching and his word will go out from Jerusalem. The Lord will settle international disputes. All the nations will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. All wars will stop, and military training will come to an end. Everyone will live quietly in their own homes in peace and prosperity, for there will be nothing to fear. The Lord Almighty has promised this!” Micah 4:1-4 (NLT)
On the new earth, Jerusalem will be the center of the world. It will be the dwelling place of the Lord, and people from every nation will travel to Jerusalem to worship and to have their disputes settled. War will no longer exist. Because of this, armies and weapons will no longer exist. The Lord will settle all disputes, and the people will devote the energy they previously expended on war to prosperous living and worship of the Lord. Peace and prosperity will be abundant, and there will be nothing to fear.
Knowing what we now know about the new earth, who would not want to live there? Unfortunately, the bible also tells us that many will turn down their invitation to this blessed new world. The only way to get there will be to place one’s trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, who will be the undisputed ruler of the new earth.
When Will This Future World Arrive?
Because the new earth is the creation of Jesus Christ, it will not arrive until after His Glorious Appearing. In the interim, many politicians, idealists, and others will conjure their own ideas of how to create such a world. But placing faith in any of these people or their schemes will only lead to disappointment.
For the bible is clear that the new earth will only arrive when God comes to physically dwell among His people:
“I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, ‘Look, the home of God is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will remove all of their sorrows, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. For the old world and its evils are gone forever.’” Revelation 21:3-4 (NLT)
When God dwells among men, the earth will no longer harbor death or sorrow or crying or pain. It will be a new world. The old world will have come to an end - its evils gone forever.
The End of the World is Not to be Feared
Knowing the promises of the Lord, none of us should live in fear of the end of the world. The present fears of this world are fleeting in nature, and the Lord is in perfect control. He has made clear the end from the beginning, and it is clear that the final end of this world is not a time to mourn, but rather a time to celebrate. Jesus Himself reiterated this concept:
“The courage of many people will falter because of the fearful fate they see coming upon the earth, because the stability of the very heavens will be broken up. Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up, for your salvation is near!” Luke 21:26-28 (NLT)
The arrival of Jesus Christ at the Glorious Appearing should not be a time of anguish, but a time to rejoice. Although we are familiar with the things of this world, we can not fathom the glory of that which God has in store for us. It will far surpass the things of this world, so we should patiently and eagerly await the Lord’s return. For Christ’s return will bring with it our salvation and the blessings of the new earth.
Those who worry about the end of the world or live in fear of a great worldwide catastrophe are not living their lives in accordance with God. For God tells us to live boldly and without fear of the things of this world:
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
Don’t worry about global warming or a nuclear holocaust. Don’t live in fear of a worldwide pandemic or asteroids or comets or aliens or massive volcanoes. The Lord is in control of everything, and He has already revealed what will happen to this present age. He will usher in the end of the world and transform the earth into his own dwelling place. Therefore, if we are to have fear of anything, it should be the Lord Himself. The prophet Isaiah agrees:
“Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear him, you need fear nothing else.” Isaiah 8:13 (NLT)
Jesus reminds His disciples of this command while teaching them not to fear persecution:
“Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill you. They can only kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28 (NLT)
In short, don’t fear the end of this world. Celebrate it. Christ is coming. And when He arrives, He will eliminate all the evils of this world, including our fear and worry.
by: Britt Gillette
Giants crush you. Even in fairy tales it's rare to find a nurturing giant – even lady giants are tough critters. And there are lots of giants on the web; all the world's biggest offline companies plus the web's home-grown efforts - Google, Amazon and the like.
So how can you, sitting in your fabled pajamas at the kitchen table make money against that lot? Well, until recently there was no way to really explain what everyone was telling you based on instinct, self-interest or outright ignorance: there is room for everyone on the web.
It's called the ‘long tail: the economics of abundance' and its guru is the editor of Wired Magazine Chris Anderson. Now don't let that put you off, this is fascinating stuff! The summary is simple: regular offline business is ruled by scarcity, digital business simply isn't!
Take a record store. They have so many feet of shelves and each CD takes up say half an inch. Result, the store can only carry so many CDs. So what do they do? They carry the ones that sell the most – the ‘hits.'
Now take iTunes: there is literally no limit to the inventory iTunes can carry. It sits in digital form and could be every song in every version ever recorded! The same is true of books: which is why Google is trying to snaffle them all first, and Apple is driving into video.
So what has this to do with you? Well two things: first the big web marketers have discovered that if you offer everything, "everything sells something!" Hence the term long tail.
Imagine the profile of a mouse standing on her back legs nose pointing in the air! The body of the mouse is the ‘hits' with the biggest hit being the nose. The tail of the mouse (infinitely long) is the sales of everything else. The regular record store holds inventory corresponding to the body of the mouse. But, if you hold the inventory for free and it costs nothing to deliver it, then any sale out of the tail is pure profit! Wow! That's the economics of abundance: and it's only right now being understood.
But, I hear you object, that's records, books, and videos. True, but the same applies to everything where the restrictions of scarcity are removed.
What's eBay but a long tail of gazillions of real things? What's Amazon, the long tail of books and anything else they can get their hands on? So it continues – the used book business after languishing for decades is booming after the dispersed and happenstance inventories held by individual stores were linked together into a single online database. The books are still in the stores, but the sales are global!
Now if you are an Amazon, or a in software, or any of the other ‘aggregators' of the ‘long tail', you have five problems:
1. You need to put together the technology to hold the inventory and disperse it – expensive and technically finnicky, but straightforward
2. You need to create the tools that customers can use to search the long tail – which is VERY long. Search engines, recommendations, reviews all kinds of tools are emerging to provide filters at no cost to the company once they are in place.
3. You need to get your hands on the longest tail you can. Easier now Apple has broken through with the record industry, but really difficult if you want to have a long tail of TV shows – because of the problem of tracing down the music rights. Google may be in a battle, but the stakes in the ancient book long tail are huge hence its determination to scan everything ever published.
4. You need to capture the emerging long tail. These are the products and creative offerings that have not yet been conceived. You do this by giving away the tools of creation. Give away (virtually) the software to create new music and provide a guaranteed market.
5. You need to meet the sales needs of the provider – whether they are trying to make a go of it commercially or doing it for reasons of personal satisfaction. Put your book on Amazon and you can go in and tweak the marketing – and this is just the beginning.
So what are the implications for web home-based businesses?
It means first you can expect sales no matter if you are 1st or 5,000th on the tail.
It means you can find a place on the web through an aggregator for what ever you produce.
It means that multiple channels of distribution are opening that can have different roles in your mix. Let's take a concrete example, that new book you just wrote.
* Well you could sell it yourself in electronic form, or
* Convert it into a physical book at Lulu (a 'tail' of self-pubished books) and end up with electronic and soft/hard copy versions yielding a higher net return.
* Lulu will submit it to Ingrams the book wholesalers and so it will find its way to the long tails run by Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the rest – for a different, lower return but a much higher exposure and access to the recommendations system.
* You could sell it through Clickbank – a long tail of Affiliates – and make 50% margin.
* Finally, you can sell or liquidate it through eBay!
If you have something to offer, a tail is emerging that you can join. And most important, it's in everyone's interest to keep the tail growing. On the web we have invented the ‘nurturing giant'. To me that spells perpetual opportunity!
And that's no fairy story!
by: Michael Kay
This article is focused on the basics of nutrition for those who embarking on a fitness/weight training program. Today I'll talk about the three primary sources of calories for human beings. Proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Protein is of the utmost importance for those trying to improve their bodies. The eating plan for a person trying to improve their physique should have a diet whose foundation is protein. This is what I call the skeleton of a proper eating program. The skeleton of a proper eating program is all of the protein foods the eating plan will contain. The most commonly used protein foods will be meat, fish, poultry, protein supplements, eggs and dairy based protein foods such as cottage cheese. Below I will plot out for you a skeleton of a typical eating program for a personal training client.
1.) upon waking, 3 eggs with an additional 3 egg whites 2.) 3 hours later, 8 oz. of grilled tilapia 3.) 3 hours later, 8 oz. of grilled tilapia 4.) 3 hours later, 8 oz of broiled ground sirloin 5.) 3 hours later, Muscle Milk protein supplement 6.) 2 hours later, 1 cup small curd cottage cheese
As of right now the foundation of a proper eating plan, being protein foods, has been completed. All that is needed is to add carbohydrate foods to the eating program. The level of carbohydrate intake should be tailored to the personal training client's goals. For example a skinny high school kid who wants to gain weight for football would eat a plentitude of carbohydrates. Let's take a look at how an eating program for such an individual might look. What we will do is take the skeleton eating program and add to it.
1.) upon waking, 3 eggs with an additional 3 egg whites, 4 slices toast with jam 2.) 3 hours later, 8 oz. of grilled tilapia, 1 cup white rice 3.) 3 hours later, 8 oz. of grilled tilapia, 1 cup white rice 4.) 3 hours later, 8 oz ground sirloin on a bun with ketchup 5.) 3 hours later, Muscle Milk protein supplement 6.) 2 hours later, 1 cup small curd cottage cheese, with 1 cup chopped pineapple.
Now we will look at a more typical scenario for my personal training clients. Nine out of ten people who come to me for training are coming to lose weight and become more toned and fit. I will use the exact same skeleton eating plan as I did in the other example but this eating plan will be vastly different in the carbohydrate department. Healthy carbohydrate foods are grains, rice, potatoes, whole grain bread, and fruit
1.) upon waking, 3 eggs with an additional 3 egg whites, 2 slices dry rye toast 2.) 3 hours later, 8 oz. of grilled tilapia, 1 cup steamed veggies 3.) 3 hours later, 8 oz. of grilled tilapia, 1 cup steamed veggies 4.) 3 hours later, 8 oz of broiled ground sirloin, 1 large green salad, w vinegarette 5.) 3 hours later, Muscle Milk protein supplement. 1 grapefruit 6.) 2 hours later, 1 cup small curd cottage cheese.
When constructing eating plans for weight loss, you can see that the order of the day is drastic reduction in carbohydrate consumption. No matter what kind of eating program I construct, I never purposely add fat calories. Adequate fat consumption is achieved with the fat that is present in the protein sources.
by: Joe Kozma
Labels: HEALTH
With all the knowledge we have theses days, it can be very surprising to see people continue to indulge in habits that are detrimental to their health. In actual fact what this tells us is that addiction is powerful.
Our objective is to learn about smoking. How it affects you. The power of addiction and health implications involved in this habit. Currently it is estimated that over one billion people smoke around the world. Most smokers begin at an early age, generally in there teens. In the past smoking was a recreational function of the rich, but these days that is quite the contrary. Unfortunately the less educated seem to be smoking rather than the educated. The level of education, income and standard of living contribute greatly to the success of quitting smoking.
Here are some interesting statistics from the world health organization.
25.6 million people smoke in the United States.
Among whites 25.1% of men smoke and 21.7% of women smoke.
Among African Americans, 27.6% of men smoke and 18% of women smoke.
Among Hispanics 23.2% men smoke and 12.5% of women smoke.
Among Asians 21.3% men smoke and 6.9% of women.
One out of every five deaths is tobacco related. It is estimated that 400’000 Americans die each year from tobacco.
Smoking is highest among persons living below the poverty level. Education is extremely important in the fight against smoking. Education is not just telling people about smoking. What is needed is dialogue and interaction so that each individual can understand factually the implications.
I talked to a person one time who was very upset that the price of cigarettes is getting increasingly expensive. She felt she was been discriminated against. To her she is addicted and the majority are against her. She felt the fight against tobacco was an attack on her.
Firstly it is poor education that makes her feel this way. Secondly when smoking socially you also jeopardize the health of others. Thirdly the costs to the health system are enormous. Fourthly we as people take things personally. Addiction can bring pleasure temporarily but fatal consequences later. Her challenge was that she wanted to continue smoking and the majorities were making it difficult for her. So when you really get down to it she was concerned about her own pleasures above her health and the health of others.
The choices to continue smoking is yours, but understand that the costs are high for your health and the health of others. No one can deny the dangers of smoking. Quit today.
by: Paul Hegarty
Labels: HEALTH
Are you a smoker? Do you smoke five, ten or even 50 a day? It really doesn’t matter how many you puff your way through, I will bet a King’s ransom that there really isn’t a day goes by that you wish you didn’t smoke.
So what is it about smoking that keeps us hanging in there? I will tell you here and now that no matter what you may or may not have heard about smoking, the absolute fact of the matter remains that SMOKING IS NOT ADDICTIVE!
‘NOT ADDICTIVE!” I can almost hear howls of disbelief as I write!
I will say it again, ‘It’s not addictive!’
Here are some facts:
Smoking is not addictive in the way that crack cocaine is or methyl amphetamines are…Think about it hard, really hard.
I’d say with some certainty that ninety nine hardened smokers out of a hundred can go to bed and sleep cheerfully right through the night. If you were a crack addict, let me tell you that sleep just doesn’t come in to the picture when you need a hit.
Yes, I will admit Nicotine is a very fast acting drug that gives you a minor hit and satisfies the central pleasure seeking part of the brain but this hit only lasts an few minutes and soon wears off but does NOT give you the mind paralysing smash that that crack or heroin does that leaves you blank for days on end and wrecks you life totally.
Crack and heroin addicts will prowl through the night, in every kind of filthy weather looking for a way, any way, possible to get their next fix. Some of them will support a crack or cocaine habit that requires two to three thousand dollars a week to feed…Now, that’s what you call addiction!!
The reason I wrote this article is simple. I too smoked fairly heavily for many years and know extremely well the feeling of utter misery and depression when after some years I attempted to stop, time after time. I even tried acupuncture and even stopped going out and socialising because I couldn’t have a drink or a meal without the pressing, insistent pain of wanting a smoke afterwards.
I did manage to stop for about a year at one stage and then when I though I had it whipped, I had a cigarette and I was back into it again, with a vengeance…but ,I didn’t really know the trick and my demise was inevitable…sounds familiar?
However, something happened to me that I am eternally grateful for. I discovered a method, quite by accident, that enabled me to stop smoking, totally, forever, without any agonies of withdrawal, no drugs, no hypnosis no chemicals and without any counselling at all.
The way I stopped smoking was a minor miracle for me because I happened, by chance, one night to meet a man who worked as a research chemist in a large Laboratory for a chain of Tobacco companies. What he told me was all the really easy way around the tricks of the Tobacco Companies and how, once you know your enemy, how really easy it is to stop smoking, without drugs, patches, hypnotism or any other aids.
The facts I am about to tell are absolutely true. I am not going to try to try to scare you with all the morbid facts about the chemicals and the effects of passive smoking, the horrendous cost and the dreadful slow suicide smokers embark on and so on, but I can say that I am so convinced that this method is the simplest of all and I have to say that every one I have ever shown this method to has shrugged off cigarette smoking and never gone back to it.
I wont make you any promises that you will stop smoking if you try this method because there are many people that smoke that will constantly complain and whine they want to but really don’t have any serious intentions to at all.
However, I will say if you are serious about stopping and truly want to, you now have all the help and information in the fight to stop smoking that you will ever need right now.
If you are interested in learning more about the simplest way ever to knock over your smoking habit and put an end to the confining, miserable life of the smoker and his evil companion, the Nicotine Monster, why not visit this site and find out for yourself without giving yourself any more pain and misery! You will be in for a big surprise!!
by: terry Buddell
Labels: HEALTH
Direct Car Insurance is the option of buying your car insurance directly from an authorized insurance company instead of going through insurance middlemen and independent agents.
To explain let us take this example. If you are sick with pain in your joints, there are two options you can choose from. You either go to a general practitioner and he would recommend certain medicines that would ease your pain. Or, you proceed directly to an orthopedic specialist, one who specializes in illnesses related to the bones of the human body. Chances are that the bone specialist would be able to diagnose the exact nature of your ailment and prescribe maybe some medicines or exercises that will at once have better effect on your condition. The general practitioner would probably have an idea about your actual condition but may not be in a position to accurately treat it.
Something similar happens when you choose a direct car insurance policy over an indirect car insurance policy.
One may argue that it is far easier to get quotes and information on car insurance policies from multiple indirect sources, as there are plenty in the car insurance market. It may also be a better idea as these indirect car insurers offer a wide variety of services in order to keep their car insurance policies better than the rest.
This is however not without its associated costs. Remember middlemen and independent agents and such indirect car insurers are in a business and not providing you the service out of charity. They obviously are looking for their profits. While on the look of it you may be offered multiple services at some good prices, you must never forget that you are paying a higher rate for the same. The independent car insurance agents are putting in their profits into the quote. The larger these independent car insurance companies are, the higher the hidden costs.
The direct car insurance agencies, on the other hand have their benefits. If you go at first to a direct car insurance company, you will directly be in touch with the car insurance provider itself. These direct car insurance providers are usually large companies which have in house services like emergency pick up vehicles, tie ups with official car service centers, legal advisors and such important services. What happens here is that these direct car insurance providers may not have to outsource their services to other car insurance agencies? Even if they do, they have clear and set procedures that are outlined. This removes the reasons for inordinate delays in providing emergency car services, settling claims and providing interim relief through rent a car services etc.
When you buy a policy from a direct car insurance agency you also save on costs. You can get cheaper car insurance with some very good facilities. Remember it is not the amount of services that you can get but whether those services can be used when you need them.
You may even be able to work out cheaper premiums for flexible periodic payments as well when you go to direct car insurance agencies. And to top it off you may even get some free extra covers along with your standard cover as well. These come in handy and end up saving you some money
There are some direct car insurance agencies that also offer you a better premium if you insure more than one car with them. This really gets you a good reduction in your associated costs and it always helps if there is just one direct car insurance agency that has to be co-coordinated with at all times.
There are quite a few car insurance companies which provide direct car insurance and you may need to shop around a little before you actually make your decision. This will also give you adequate knowledge about what the direct car insurance agencies are offering in the car insurance market. So remember, going in for direct car insurance is in the larger picture more beneficial to your pocket!
by: scott walker
The reason we compare car insurance quotes
What is unknown to many is that there is not one single car insurance company that is cheaper than others. One particular car insurance company can be the cheapest for one person but the most expensive for another. Each car insurance company has a certain category of drivers they want to insure. If you fit their category they will offer you a cheap rate, if you don’t, they will offer you an expensive rate. That is their way of filtering the people they want and do not want to insure. That is the reason we need to compare insurance rates from multiple car insurance companies, to find out which company will offer us the cheapest rate. The key is to find the company that offers the cheapest rate for you, but of course, it is important to compare rates from quality companies only.
There are many quality car insurance companies out there; however, some of those quality companies also have a high price to go along with them. How do we find a quality company for a cheap price? That, my friend, is the key question.
The traditional method of shopping for car insurance is to call around which we all know can be a long process. Another drawback of shopping for car insurance by phone is the probability of getting caught with the old “bait and hook” trick. That is when someone gives you a low quote by phone and hikes it up on you when you go into their office to purchase the car insurance policy.
In today’s world, luckily, we have the internet. The internet makes life a lot easier for all of us. Using the internet, we can shop for many types of things we may need which include shopping for car insurance.
Shopping for car insurance online is the best way to compare rates from multiple car insurance companies. Online, you can also read about a company’s history and make sure they’re a quality company. Most companies offer instant online car insurance quotes thorough their websites which makes obtaining car insurance quotes a lot easier than the traditional method of shopping by phone. Better yet, there are some websites that offer online car insurance quotes from multiple companies with one simple process. You can even purchase your car insurance online if you like the price. One such website is There, you can obtain quotes from quality companies such as Progressive, AIG, Infinity, GMAC, Bristol West, and several more. All with one simple process!
by: online car insurance
Other than Life Insurance Corporation
If one has decided for a life insurance policy, then one has to ponder seriously about the kind of policy that will suit best him or her. One must think about the premium and other benefits including monetary benefits on a serious note. Then one must match requirements with the policies to get the best service. Best life insurance policy enables the individual to choose an insurance policy after deciding to insure his life. After this the next task lies in choosing a life insurance policy that is best. This is quite tough due to the innumerable insurance products and their features. One might have great difficulty in taking a decision as it is a crucial one that involves money, financial stability and death benefits. It helps in making a proper and prudent choice if one evaluates and analyses the insurance companies and their policies on the basis of some criterion. Some of the criterion for choosing a best life insurance policy is to analyze the different categories of insurance plans and understand the different types of life insurance and their subcategories.
It needs proper market research and one has to gather information regarding the popular insurance policies available in the market. Though some policies allow the withdrawals and borrow money, but they are likely to reduce your death benefits in most cases. A person must aim to get the online best insurance since people depend on the surrender value to decide the credibility of an insurance policy, which should not be the prime deciding factor. A common man must aim to get the online best insurance which will help evaluate the risk factors involved.
Everyone is not able to afford the premiums required to acquire the amount of coverage needed. If paying the premiums is a major concern, then it is advisable and better to pick up a term policy for the right face value. People save together their pennies for the first couple of years of a whole life policy only to ultimately find they can no longer afford to pay the bill. During the initial years, they won't even break in the terms of what they received as a return on premium. Surrender values won't equate the premiums till the policy is about 12 to 15 years old. Moving around for the right policy is big brain teaser. Entire life policies are quite confusing and are often sold based on beautiful examples for how much the company intends to pay in dividends over the lifetime of the policy. These examples are only rough estimate and some companies are getting more aggressive than others.
A good insurance agent can help us to analyze the internal rate of return, i.e., the yield on the policy after all the fees and charges are subtracted which is a compromise. A majority of the insurance plans come with a return-of-premium policy, a death benefit to be paid out should you pass away.
If one live past, say, the 30-year term, the person concerned gets all the money back rupee for rupee. So in the event of an unfortunate happening, whether death is covered or outlive the policy then the available money is divided.
Remember Hurricane Katrina? In addition to the physical devastation and loss of lives, it resulted in an insurance nightmare for many business owners and homeowners, because their insurance policies did not cover damages caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. As a lawyer, I read a lot of insurance policies. Hurricane Katrina is an extreme example, but it illustrates a scenario I see all the time in my practice: many people do not realize until it is too late that their insurance policies are inadequate or unequipped to shield them from financial losses or other damages.
Almost every adult owns some type of insurance policy. Vehicle, homeowner, medical, directors & officers liability, commercial property, professional liability and travel insurance are but some examples. Other than having a general understanding of the type of coverage we have and the coverage amounts (and, of course, the premium amount), many of us don’t know how to read and understand our policies and grasp how they work in the event that we need to rely on them.
The following is some basic information that will assist you if you are a policy owner or if you are contemplating purchasing insurance.
1. What documents constitute an insurance policy?
Usually, when you take out insurance, your insurance company will provide you with an insurance certificate or “declarations” page. This lists the items insured, and the amounts. The declarations may also refer to certain policy “exclusions.” However, as a policy owner you really should be asking the insurer for a copy of the complete policy, and any policy booklet that they may issue as a companion interpretive guide. In the event that you need to rely on your policy, the Declaration document is not helpful. Furthermore, reviewing the entire policy gives you an opportunity to understand or identify any “gaps” in coverage – i.e. matters that are not covered by your insurance and for which you may want to consider obtaining extra coverage through another insurance company.
2. Do you know what your policy “limits” are, and are they sufficient?
The amount of insurance coverage you obtain is called your insurance limits. If you own a vehicle, you will have purchased liability insurance with limits of $500,000, $1,000,000 or $2,000,000, this means that if someone sues you as a result of a car accident, your insurance policy will respond to that lawsuit to the extent of the limits you have purchased. These limits are sufficient for most people, however, did you know that if you are injured in a car accident and you sue the at-fault driver who only has limits of $500,000, yet your damages far exceed that amount, and then there is a clause in your policy that will allow you to access your own policy for the shortfall? If the liability limits in your motor vehicle insurance policy is $1,000,000, then there may be an extra $500,000 available to you. That is where having an understanding of the importance of the limits of your policy will assist you when you are making the decision to purchase insurance.
It is important to discuss with your broker all of the possible circumstances that may result in you having to access your insurance policy. This discussion will dictate the amount of insurance coverage you ultimately decide to purchase. If you do not purchase insurance with sufficient limits, then, in the case of liability insurance for example, if you are sued for an amount that exceeds the limits of your policy, you will personally be on the hook for the balance – which means that your assets and income may be vulnerable to garnishment. In the case of property insurance, you will have to personally pay for any damages that are not covered by your policy – if these damages are excessive or exorbitant, the financial consequences may be disastrous.
3. What are “Exclusions”?
In my experience, it’s the exclusion clauses that leave policyholders vulnerable and most policyholders do not read them. I draw your attention once again to Hurricane Katrina. Exclusion clauses identify the events or circumstances that will result in there being no coverage under the policy. For example, residential and commercial property insurance policies may contain an exclusion for theft caused when the premises remains unlocked or unoccupied. Do you run a business out of your home? If so, most homeowner’s policies will not cover any damages caused by or a result of commercial activities. Many professional liability policies contain exclusions for damages caused by fraud or dishonest conduct. If you own a large commercial building, your property insurance may contain exclusion for certain types of boiler and furnace mishaps (i.e. those caused by wear and tear, for example). And most travel insurance policies exclude health care coverage for illnesses causally related to pre-existing or prior medical conditions, even where those conditions have been dormant for some time.
The insurance company and broker have a duty to draw all policy exclusions to your attention. Many insurers accomplish this task by sending you a letter at the outset of the policy period, advising you to review the exclusion section of the policy. Some insurers do not do this. Regardless, in order to protect yourself, when you take out your policy, ask the insurer and your broker (if you are dealing with one) to identify all the policy exclusions. The exclusion clauses are often densely worded and convoluted. Therefore, if you do not understand them, you must point advise your insurer and ask for an explanation. If you think one of the exclusions may even potentially affect you in the future, you should speak to your broker about obtaining additional coverage for the excluded item from another insurance company, or, you may ask the insurer if you can purchase an enhanced form of coverage. For example, if you own a lakefront cottage and are worried about the potential for water leakage into the basement, review your policy carefully to ensure that this type of water damage is covered, if it is not covered, you will want to purchase supplemental coverage.
4. Policy Conditions
Policy conditions are pre-requisites to coverage. They are events or conditions that are necessary to keep the insurance in place. Payment of the premium by a certain date is a simple example. Another is maintaining a security alarm as a pre-condition to insurance against losses caused by theft. Other conditions relate to the policyholder’s obligations once a claim arises – that is, the reporting requirements. The reporting requirements dictate when and how you should report a claim to your insurance company. Some policies require that you report the claim in writing and within a certain period of time. In some policies, coverage will be triggered by notifying the insurer by phone – as many of you who have been in car accidents know.
There is almost always a time limit within which you can report a claim. Some insurance policies spell this out explicitly in the policy, others simply say that notice to the insurers must be given after an incident “forthwith” or “immediately.” Regardless of the wording used, if you suspect that you have a claim that may be covered by your policy, you should report it.
Policy conditions should be regarded in the same manner as exclusions, since failure to abide by them will result in a lack of coverage. Therefore, it is important that you have a complete understanding of what they are when you purchase your policy.
5. Insurer’s Obligations When a Claim Arises
Insurers have a duty to deal with you in good faith. When you make a claim under your policy, your insurer has a duty to assist you in processing your claim, to act in your best interests and to not take an unreasonable position on coverage. If the insurer makes a coverage decision that has no basis in the policy, then it may be subject to a complaint to the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, or in a lawsuit it may be vulnerable to a claim for punitive or aggravated damages.
6. The Role of the Broker
I have previously written on this site about the role and obligations of your insurance broker. Having an understanding of how your policy works and your policy exclusions allows you to have a meaningful discussion with your broker about what your insurance needs really are. Some of the additional questions that may arise out of this discussion, and which may result in your decision to purchase additional or enhanced insurance, are listed below.
Often, larger companies are able to offer private health insurance plans
While many people today are still able to obtain some type of health insurance through their place of employment or privately, many others, the low paid, self-employed and the unemployed simply don't know where to find good quality coverage at a fair price. Whilst a little research is required to make sensible comparisons, carrying out searches for low cost health insurance schemes on the internet has proved very helpful for many as you are able to compare benefits of a large number of providers using online comparison tables. Choosing the right health insurance is something that cannot be rushed if you have a family.
The good news is that people are learning that they have to be more selective and look carefully at every aspect of their potential health insurance plans to obtain the best possible premiums. Many national and local organizations of self-employed workers are now banding together to form cooperatives and combine their buying power to get affordable health insurance premiums through group policies. Before you decide on purchasing health insurance through another method and you are a member of a national or local organization, check with them first to see if they have made health insurance arrangements for their members as it will save you money.
You would be wise though to check the health insurance policy terms and conditions to make sure you fully understand what is covered and especially, what is not. For example, a health insurance company
by: Keith Mallinson
Cheap health insurance has become the issue of the moment in South Carolina and across the country. More small businesses are increasingly unable to provide cheap health insurance plans to their employees because of the rising cost and the lack of federal and state legislation that would allow small businesses to purchase cheap medical insurance in pools. In the meantime South Carolina and other states are looking to cut the costs of the Medicare and Medicaid health insurance programs for the elderly and the poor. However, more affordable forms of health insurance plans are available as some private companies are experimenting with a new variation of cheap health insurance known as health discount plans. In the article that follows we'll explain the various aspects of cheap health insurance in South Carolina and how to find a plan that works for you.
Health Care Costs due to Managed Health Care
The current health care system in America is inaccessible to approximately 47 million poor and lower middle class people. In order to address the growing health care insurance crisis in the U.S. that resulted in health care cost growth in the 1970s and 1980s, health maintenance organizations (HMOs) sprung up. These were initially as non-profit groups designed to separate unnecessary tests and treatments from those that the patient required in an effort to keep costs down. Managed care organizations began screening requested procedures by physicians to pre-authorize what the HMO would or would not cover. However, the number of people who are the riskiest to insure-diabetics, cancer, etc.-continues to rise. Many South Carolina managed care industry experts say the cost of cheap health insurance is still high because of the existing pool of insured people who use the health care system more than an average amount.
The other battle that is ongoing in South Carolina involves the health insurance companies and hospitals, the latter which cannot turn anyone away from care by law. However, as the number of South Carolinians who cannot afford cheap health insurance increases, hospital emergency rooms are handling the majority of the load. More people have to turn to hospitals as their primary health care givers given a lack of adequate or non-existant health insurance coverage.
Cheap Health Insurance Plans Through the Workplace
Most cheap medical insurance policies in South Carolina are usually written through group coverage offered at work by your employer through a private South Carolina cheap health insurance company. This is usually the more cost effective way to purchase cheap health insurance now available since a large number of employees allows South Carolina companies to reduce their insurance premiums. Similar to buying in bulk, the more health insurance plans a business can purchase for its employees the less expensive the insurance is per employee. In South Carolina, like the rest of the nation, the number of companies that can provide cheap health insurance for their employees is declining.
Personal Health Insurance Plans
Health insurance plans can be purchased by individuals and families from virtually every insurance provider in South Carolina. Trying to purchase health insurance on an individual basis can be more expensive if the person already has a health problem, known as a pre-existing condition. Many companies will not cover people with pre-existing conditions if they have no continuation of coverage-renewing health insurance coverage after only a prescribed short period of time-picked up from an earlier cheap health insurance policy.
South Carolina Health Insurance Pool
The South Carolina Health Insurance Pool is a state health insurance plan designed to provide coverage for those that either do not have or have lost medical coverage at no fault of their own and are uninsurable. The pool was created by the General Assembly to help people who couldn't get health insurance coverage from any other source, including people with certain disabilities. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina currently administers the pool.
Coverage is available to a person who has been a state resident for at least 30 days and meets the following criteria: